
Monday, May 7, 2007

Despite the fact of passing, this has been one crazy hectic day, and my long and sometimes brutal journey towards the light on the hill that we call "graduation," I still have a short but rocky route ahead of me. I still have random papers to complete, and hours to tally. Addresses to find, budgets to create, bills to pay, memories to reflect upon.

This has been a rough semester, mostly because of the amount of things to do. I've taken 18 hours of classes plus an internship, been planning for a wedding, and working two jobs. I don't know how it's happened, but I'm getting there. I've felt more antisocial than I've ever been, and I've been more antisocial than I thought I could ever handle. But I've survived. Who would have thought, but sometimes, just sometimesI enjoy it. I'm pretty shocked that I can even say that.

I'm still overwhelmed with work that I don't think it's quite hit me that I'm graduating. I don't know when I'm finally going to slow down long enough to realize it.

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